all about Jal Neti (part-2)
Okay so in my last blog ( Jal Neti Part-1 ), I covered the following topics :-
1. Introduction
2. Selection of the Neti Pot
3. Preparation of water
5. Position of hand while holding the Neti pot
6. How to do it :-
7. Removing the nozzle
8. Kapaalbhati kriya for drying the nostrils.
If you haven't read it yet go read it now 👉
I have uploaded pictures and videos on my Instagram feed and Facebook page both about all these topics.Go check it out there on @timetocure
Benefits :-
√ Removes mucous and pollution from the nasal passages allowing air to flow without obstruction.
√ Helps and prevent manage respiratory tract diseases and makes respiratory system stronger.
√ Maintains good health for the eyes, ears and throat.
√ Relieves muscular tension of the face and helps the practitioner to maintain a fresh and youthful appearance.
√ Has a calming and soothing influence on the brain.
√ Alleviates anxiety, anger and depression.
√ Removes drowsiness and makes the head feel light and fresh.
√ Stimulates the various nerve endings in the nose improving the sense of smell.
√ A balance is brought between the right and the left nostril and the corresponding left and right brain hemispheres, inducing a state of harmony and balance throughout the body and mind.
√ Awakes the ajna chakra.
√ Effective in dealing with asthma and bronchitis making it easier for the patients to breathe.
√ Cools down the brain by drawing out excessive heat and even relieves you from migraine.
Along with benefits there are some precautions and contradictions also which must not be neglected while performing. They are listed below as follows.
Precautions :-
• Do not inhale from the nose while practicing it else the water will get straight up to the brain creating future problems.
• The water should only pass through the nostrils.
•If any water enters the throat or mouth it causes no harm but indicates that the position of the head needs to be adjusted.
•Make sure that the nose is properly dried after the practice.
Otherwise the nasal passages sinuses may become irritated and manifest the symptoms of a cold.
Contradictions :-
∆ Those who suffer from chronic bleeding should avoid it before it is advised by a competent teacher.
∆ Those who consistently have great difficulty passing water through the nose may have a structural blockage and should seek expert advice.
∆ People prone to or having ear infections should not do Neti.
∆ Neti should be avoided when the nose is totally blocked during flu, colds or sinuses.
So this was all about Neti blog part 2 and with these two blogs this topic is over will come up with another topic very soon.
Keep reading and also follow my page Timetocure on instagram as well as on facebook.
Yoga Trainer
Acupressure therapist
On instagram @timetocure