here's why you must do palming for stress and eye strain.

In our very active modern lives, it's very easy to have our nervous systems on high gear, from the blue light of our computers and phones to ads on TV's  This influences, among other things like it propitiates the aging speed of our bodies and derails things such as digestion or our ability to produce essential hormones.

Often at the end of the yoga class while in seated position the teacher will ask you to rub your hands together this will create the heat and then place them on your eyes and this activity feels so much relief. It feels a bit like an internal light switch as if you dimmed the lights inside your body mind.
This practice is known as Palming. Palming  was actually invented by Tibetan yogis, is one of the most relaxing things you can do for your eyes 
Our hands are said to be healing. However their power isn't limited to spiritual masters. Everyone can use their hands to heal themselves

Benefits of Palming :

You may notice that palming relaxes more than your eyes as if your shoulders, neck, and other tight spots start to let go while you palm. 

Eyestrain can go hand in hand with rigidity all through the body. 

Many yoga teachers also note this connection of eye strain with other body tensions. 

Palming soothes the optic nerve, which is often irritated. 

How to do palming ?
•Sit in any crossed leg position when in office it's even okay to sit on a chair & just rub your hands together vigorously to warm them.
•Place your palms over your eyes. Visualize total blackness, and breathe deeply. Let the blackness permeate everything.

You may see all kinds of lights, which is an indication of irritation in the optic nerve.

According to Ayurveda when our nervous systems are on high pace it means we experience too much stress that's when we actually need to pause and find ways to calm ourselves down and warm .soothe the nervous system with palming

Palming just a few minutes in the morning and at night, or while at work can be very restful. All you have to do is close your eyes under your hands and clear your mind and concentrate on relaxing.Just feel the warmth coming from your palms but do not press on your eyes with your hands.
Here what we're actually experiencing is DPS or Deep Pressure Stimulation which refers to putting firm but gentle pressure on a part of body.
Some other therapies involving the DPS are :
Massage, Blinking or Shifting

The power of DPS for quick stress relief in Yoga is beyond. Deep pressure stimulation helps our body to leave a state of high alert. When you're in a state of high alert, your Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) is working. It manages your "fight or flight" response. Once you leave this high - alert state, you enter into a state of rest and digest when your Parasympathetic nervous system takes over.

Scientifically,  our hands are filled with sensitive nerve endings that allow us to feel skin contact  and also to feel pain and temperature. They send messages to the nervous system.The nervous system allows our bodies to respond to various kinds of stimuliis

okay but, is palming good for kids ?

Yes, definetely its a great exercise for the kids we must teach our kids to do palming while playing. as kids nowadays are always busy on screen either on smart phones for online studies or sticking at the TV screens for their favorite cartoon shows even as a parent we all want our kids to be smart and updated but not at the cost of their eye health right.

So palming  is the thing for them. Every parent must make their child habitual to this simple activity.

So this was all about this blog hope the information was useful.
thankyou and keep reading my articles.

Yoga Instructor
Acupressure Therapist
TCM Therapist
on instagram @timetocure


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