Top 10 reasons why you must do Sun gazing daily

In scientific terms the brain is a powerful recipient and the retina and the pineal gland (third eye) are  equipped with photo receptor cells, a kind of photo analysis could be taking place during this activity, which provides a person with all kinds of energy and vitamins that are required for the proper functioning of his internal organs.

Best to practice it in the morning, within an hour of sunrise, when the sunrays are light as they're free from UV rays at that time.

How to
 practice ?
• Stand barefoot on the ground or your balcony and look directly into the sun.
• Remove contacts or glasses and don’t sun-gaze through windows.
• Look directly at the sun as long as it is bearable to you and later build it up to 30 minutes a day
• On cloudy days, gaze at the position where the sun is behind the clouds

After finishing the practice, its best to take your day forward with some Yoga routine or any workout.

Quick 10 benefits of Sun Gazing

1. Best thing to start your day with, 10 min sun gazing in the morning is just a perfect start.

2. Boosts self confidence and delays ageing.

3. Increased energy levels 

4. Increased eye strength 

5. Lesser worries or stress. 

6. Better immunity 

7. Clarity and wisdom in thoughts.

8. Gives you a better and clearer skin. 

9. Treats all your skin diseases from psoriasis to dead skin issues and keeps your body and mind younger.

10. When done with the "Mantras" it becomes "Aradhana" or a prayer.

Set your intentions into the sun as part of your daily meditation practice.

Thanks for reading and you can follow me on Instagram and Facebook @timetocure for informative pictures and videos related to Yoga, acupressure, TCM, diet tips amd health and treatment related stuff.

Certified Yoga trainer
Certified TCM therapist


Bestesr till now Buddy amazing

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